I paint the Human Being. Its nature usually blended with Nature. It’s the same thing we are talking about.
I play with words and meanings. I change their symbolism. I depict the small moments as big ones. Because big they are.
I make new worlds. With less reality. With more light.
I paint my joy and my sadness. I paint from joy, I paint from sadness.
I paint the loneliness. The sound of the laughter. The together.
The thank you.
The loss.
The gaze of the people, the way it changes when they love, and becomes pelagic. And the eyes of the cracked, that seem made of glass.
I paint by the sea
With sea water.
I paint the sea
The depths and the surfaces.
The ships, how they escape from being simple objects. I draw routes.
Ports. I draw roads and downhills. I draw nightly trucks. Journeys.
I paint flowers and corals. Trees. Seashells. Snowy mountain tops.
Memories and dreams. Childly bike rides. Flowered narcissus fields.
I paint with my coffee. Beside windows looking at the sea or at mountain tops. On the table and the floor. On the balcony. On the couch. In front of the fire. At the beach. On the road. Day and night. With empty sky and with moon. I paint the inspiration. With inspiration. In silence or with music. Sitting, standing or dancing. I paint with coal. With acrylics. With color markers and with color pencils. With pen and highlighters. On paper. On canvas and on walls. On wood. On boats. I paint on my body. I paint my thought.
I paint realistically and not. With symbolism and without. With abstraction and figuratively.
Conceptually and not. Monochromatic and with polychromes. With poetry.
With heart.
An: At the word sea, I never put a full stop.
Gallery Dimoviti
Gallery Dimoviti
Η Gallery Dimoviti έχει σύγχρονα έργα . Αυτή την περίοδο, στα έργα μας πραγματεύεται το στοιχείο του νερού με μια ποιητική διάθεση. Η ανθρώπινη φιγούρα με τα “εσωτερικά της τοπία” παραμένει το κύριο θέμα, δημιουργώντας “ θαλασσινές ανθρωπογραφίες ”. Ο υδάτινος κόσμος συνομιλεί υπόρρητα με τον άνθρωπο, και καθίσταται αλληλένδετος μαζί του με πολύσημο τρόπο. Σε αυτό το υδάτινο σύμπαν, τα ανθρώπινα σώματα, πότε αποτελούν μέρη του θαλασσινού νερού και άλλοτε αντιμετωπίζονται ως επιμέρους γεωγραφίες. Διαστέλλονται και ταξιδεύουν. Ακολουθούν την αναγκαιότητα της εποχής μας προσδίδοντας στην τέχνη της κοινωνική διάσταση, ευαισθησία και προβληματισμό.